January Alameda CalAIM PATH Collaborative Meeting

Please join us for a CalAIM Provider Networking Lunch on Friday, January 31! This is an opportunity for client-facing providers to meet each other, build community, and engage in peer learning and sharing of best practices. We want to recognize you for the important work you do every day, and we hope to see you ... Read more

Alameda CalAIM PATH February Collaborative Meeting


The Alameda County PATH Collaborative brings together health plans, county leaders, community-based organizations, hospitals, clinics, and other CalAIM stakeholders to discuss CalAIM implementation and the rollout of Enhanced Care Management ... Read more

Alameda CalAIM PATH March Collaborative Meeting


The Alameda County PATH Collaborative brings together health plans, county leaders, community-based organizations, hospitals, clinics, and other CalAIM stakeholders to discuss CalAIM implementation and the rollout of Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports (CS). The Collaborative is a space to share innovative strategies, problem-solve together, and build relationships to better serve Medi-Cal members in ... Read more

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